introduction to a specially crafted team of the smartest people alive![]() about usmusic \/ first crwator![]() heloooo im the first creator and i coded everything and made all the icons. i love every1 ever. my favorite roblox game is royale high, my favroite movie is zero day, my favorite music artist is either winslow house or sematary, an my favoruite sanrio character is keroleen. this site isnt rlly updted anymore bc its very old (one year) an once i finished it i lowk lost interest but i hope u like it anyway. i misspell things alot bc its silly. goodbye i love you secod creator![]() im the co creator and i came up with everythingg๐๐๐๐ (note from first creator this is NOT TRUE!!11!z) i lkie roblox too and im not good at coding but i know a little and i like music and the band gorilalslz ๐ฆ๐ฆ anyways llease like and subscribe to this we worked REALLY hard on this so our credentialsfrust creatori took 2 years of free online coding classes that still email me somerimes today. i also coded my profile in goatlings when i was in 6th grade. i took 2 years of computer science in middle schook (same class as secind creator. i got a b) and then i gave up in highschool because it was too much work. i am obviously sooooo credible and deserve to be paid 1 trillion us dollars for this website so mark zuekerbegr buy this right now its worth it in the future and the present. sevconmd creatori took a coding class in middle school and now i know everythink in the wordl ever. i got a C in it and carreid the wholee class i was so good. elon is so jealous of me (hes not) an im so pro (i forgor all of it) |